2CW In 3D 7/13/2014

Squared Circle Wrestling presents 2CW In 3D
From: Watertown, NY

Opening Contest: EMT vs. Jasper Whipple: Whipple is a small nerdy character that has gotten over with the 2CW crowd as an underdog. Whipple tried for a few strikes, but is clubbed across the face and chopped in the corner by EMT. EMT slams Whipple to the mat to maintain the advantage. EMT hip tosses Whipple across the ring out of the corner. Whipple stops EMT with a jawbreaker, but is met with a slap across the face. Whipple tries for a sunset flip, but avoids a sit down splash attempt. Whipple runs the ropes and is tripped by Dewey. EMT accidentally decks Dewey off the apron. Bin Hamin gets on the apron with a flag and accidentally jabs EMT in the midsection. Whipple leaps off EMT’s back to forearm Hamin off the apron and low blows EMT with the flag. Whipple get a rollup and pins EMT for the win. (*. This is a harmless opening match that popped the crowd. Whipple is over in the underdog role and this didn’t over stay its welcome.)

Second Contest: Guy Sunshine vs. Steve McKenzie: Sunshine controls McKenzie with a hammerlock, but is taken down to the mat and McKenzie gets wrist control. Sunshine punches free and shoulder blocks McKenzie. McKenzie arm drags and hip tosses Sunshine causing Sunshine to bail to the floor. McKenzie nails Sunshine with a baseball slide to send Sunshine into the railing. McKenzie stalks Sunshine in the corner. Sunshine rams McKenzie into the corner and delivers a few stomps. Sunshine chokes McKenzie over the middle rope and taunts the crowd. Sunshine splashes McKenzie in the corner and hits a snap suplex for a two count. They trade a few pin attempts with neither man getting a three count. McKenzie hits a leaping forearm smash and a clothesline. McKenzie continues with an elbow strike and a Samoan Drop for a near fall. Sunshine eye rakes McKenzie, but McKenzie sits Sunshine on the middle rope and hits a DDT! McKenzie tries for a cover, but Sunshine reaches the ropes. McKenzie waits in the corner and tries a running attack, but Sunshine dumps McKenzie to the apron. McKenzie delivers a strike, but is met with a low blow and Sunshine hits an X-Factor for the win. (*1/2. McKenzie actually got to showcase some decent offense in this one. Sunshine gets some basic heel heat, but didn’t do anything overly impressive here.)

Third Contest: Cecil Nyx vs. Colin Delaney: Nyx decides to stall on the floor, but Delaney springboards off the top to take Nyx out with a dive instead. Delaney rolls Nyx into the ring and hits a pull up splash into the ring for a near fall. Nyx breaks free and punches Delaney, but runs into a big boot. Nyx slides to the floor and heads to the top rope hitting a missile dropkick for a two count. Nyx continues with a backbreaker for a near fall. Delaney counters a backbreaker with a discus forearm and a kick to the head. Delaney knocks Nyx into the corner, but Nyx tosses Delaney overhead with a suplex into the corner. Nyx heads to the top missing a swanton bomb. Delaney misses a top rope elbow drop. Delaney backslides Nyx for a near fall. Delaney kicks Nyx and plants Nyx with a DDT out of the corner for the quick win. (**. It’s a short match, but Nyx did a decent job in there for being an unknown to the 2CW crowd. Delaney is fantastic and could probably be a main event guy for 2CW as a babyface champion if given the opportunity.)

Fourth Contest: ZSIII vs. Isys Ephex: Ephex shoulder blocks Springate and delivers a kick to the side of the head sending Springate to the floor. Ephex fakes a dive to the floor and poses in the ring. Ephex holds the ropes for Springate to return to the match. Springate ducks a clothesline, but they seemingly mess up a spot. Springate does a handspring to nail Ephex, but that looked weird, too. Springate takes Ephex down, but is kicked away. Springate head scissors Ephex to the floor. Springate also fakes a dive and remains in the ring. Springate holds the ropes open for Ephex to return to the ring. Ephex knee lifts Springate to gain the advantage. Ephex knee strikes Springate coming off the ropes. Springate hits a rolling German suplex to send Ephex to the floor. Springate rams Ephex into the railing and delivers a few chops. Ephex goes to the apron and kicks Springate away. Ephex spikes Springate with a tornado DDT. Ephex puts Springate on the middle rope and tries for a suplex, but Springate punches Ephex and tries to hit a middle rope pedigree, but instead shoves Ephex to the mat. Ephex recovers and stands on the middle rope. Springate chokeslams Ephex onto the apron. Ephex sends Springate into the railing back first to gain the advantage. Ephex clotheslines Springate over the railing into the crowd. Ephex leaps off the apron to double knee strike Springate in the crowd! Springate sends Ephex into the wall. The referee ends up counting both men out and the match ends. (*1/2. There was a rough portion early on, but they had a few decent spots before the lackluster finish.)

Fifth Contest: Team CK (Kage & Rob Cook) vs. Sean Carr & Spike Dudley: Carr starts off alone in the ring and is double teamed. Cook and Kage run into boots in the corner. Carr hits a missile dropkick and the heels bail to the floor. Carr goes to the apron and hits a somersault dive to take both men out. Carr hits a rolling fireman’s carry and a moonsault for a two count on Cook. Kage pulls Carr to the floor and delivers several strikes. Kage sends Carr into the railing back first and delivers a slam on the floor. Cook keeps control in the ring with an overhand strike to Carr’s back. Kage kicks Carr in the midsection and continues with strikes. Kage elbows Carr coming off the ropes for a two count. At this point, Spike Dudley’s music hits and Spike gets on the apron! Carr fights out of the corner and tires to tag in Spike, but Kage stops Carr by ramming Carr into the corner. Kage runs into a pump kick. Carr managed to tag in Spike and Spike cleans house on Cook with strikes. Spike rams Cook into the corners several times. Spike backs Cook against the ropes and delivers a few blows. Spike comes off the ropes to nail Cook with a headbutt to the midsection and leg drops Cook on the groin. Cook sits Spike on the top turnbuckle and goes for a suplex. Spike fights free with a low blow and knocks Cook to the mat. Spike hits a top rope double stomp, but Kage makes the save on the cover. Carr ducks a clothesline and superkicks Kage. Spike hits the Acid Drop on Kage landing onto Cook and that’s good enough for a pin. (*1/2. A simple match, but the crowd loves Spike. Carr being associated with Spike here is only good for him. Carr is clearly on the rise in 2CW and comes across as a very talented wrestler. Team CK did a fine job in their heel role.)

Sixth Contest: Kevin Graham vs. Dick Justice: Justice starts the match with a few arm drags for the early advantage. Justice tries for a splash in the corner, but Graham put the referee in the way. Justice gets his finger gun out and Graham lets go. Graham kicks Justice’s hand, but is met with a spinning back fist. Graham sends Justice to the apron, but Justice delivers a few strikes on the apron. Justice tries for a suplex to the floor, but Graham blocks it and nails Justice with a running boot over the middle rope. Graham covers for a two count. Graham chokes Justice over the middle rope, but Justice responds with right hands and tries for a slam, but Graham hit a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Graham forearms Justice over the back and chokes Justice in the corner. Graham chokes Justice in the corner for a moment. Graham elbows Justice in the corner and delivers a snapmare before hitting a rolling neck snap and taunts the crowd. Justice fights back with strikes and comes off the ropes, but Graham connects with a dropkick to send Justice to the floor. Graham goes to the top rope, but Justice tells Graham not to jump as if he’s committing suicide. Justice tells Graham that he loves Graham and his mom loves him too (Kevin’s mother in the front row). Graham decides against jumping and they hug. Justice almost wins with a rollup. Justice delivers a side slam for a near fall. Punisher Van Slyke grabs Justice’s boot and Graham hits a leaping flatliner for the win. (*1/2. Nothing all that notable here. The comedy aspect was fine.)

Seventh Contest: 2CW Heavyweight Champion Nick Ando vs. Cheech vs. Jay Freddie vs. Punisher Van Slyke in an elimination match: Freddie and Cheech start off the match. Cheech gets wrist control for a moment, but Freddie counters quickly. They counter each other on the mat causing Cheech to bail to the floor. Cheech arm drags Freddie and keeps top wrist lock. Freddie counters with a headlock on the mat and they have a standoff. Cheech backs Freddie into the corner and shoves Freddie into the corner. Freddie backs Cheech into a corner and delivers a slap across the face. Cheech slaps Freddie a second time and tags out to Ando. Ando locks up with Freddie and they trade a few strikes. Ando knee lifts Freddie before running into a chop. Freddie runs the ropes and shoulder blocks Ando before knocking Cheech off the apron. Freddie nails Ando with a running uppercut in the corner and hits a bridging suplex for a near fall. Freddie chops Ando against the ropes, but Ando stops Freddie with a gut buster. Cheech returns to the match, but Punisher tags into the match. All four men are in the ring chopping each other. Punisher chops the other three guys until Cheech aligns with Punisher. Cheech works over Ando in the corner. Van Slyke sends Cheech into the corner to strike Freddie. Punisher clotheslines all three men and nails Freddie with a big boot. Punisher tosses Freddie across the ring out of the corner and taunts the crowd. Punisher hip tosses Freddie out of the corner. Punisher sits Freddie on the top turnbuckle and delivers a strike. Freddie shoves Punisher off the ropes and avoids both Cheech and Ando. Freddie hits a double missile dropkick on Ando and Cheech. Freddie dumps Punisher to the floor and nails Ando with a suicide dive. Freddie does the same to Cheech. Freddie finishes off by hitting Punisher with a suicide dive, as well.

Freddie goes to the top, but is caught by Punisher on a crossbody attempt. Freddie fights free and hits a German suplex. Ando enters and is nailed by a big boot by Freddie. Freddie spikes Ando with a tombstone slam and heads to the top rope. Cheech crotches Freddie on the top rope and hits a GTS to eliminate Freddie first. Jay Freddie has been eliminated.

Ando gets an inside cradle on Cheech for a two count. Cheech and Ando trade forearms before teaming up on Punisher. Punisher hits a double back suplex for a near fall on both men. Punisher misses a splash in the corner and Cheech delivers a chop. Cheech avoids Punisher in the corner, but Punisher takes Cheech down to the mat. Punisher strikes Cheech on the mat several times. Cheech kicks Punisher on the mat. Punisher tries for a chokeslam, but Cheech counters and superkicks Punisher. Ando nails Punisher with a running boot and a rolling senton. Ando plants Cheech with a sit out powerbomb for a near fall. Punisher grabs Ando and delivers a headbutt. Punisher tries for a powerbomb, but Ando breaks free. Ando elbows Punisher, but Punisher hits a sit out chokebomb for a near fall. Ando avoids a slam by Punisher and hits a spear for a near fall. Kevin Graham comes out and sends Ando into the railing. The referee disqualifies Punisher Van Slyke. Thus, Punisher Van Slyke is eliminated. Punisher doesn’t appear happy with Graham as they argue to the backstage area.

Cheech rams Ando onto the apron, but Ando responds with strikes against the ropes. Cheech powerslams Ando coming off the ropes for a near fall. Cheech tries for a suplex, but Ando avoids it. Cheech delivers a kick to the midsection and hits a suplex for a near fall. Cheech heads to the top rope, but Ando stops Cheech with a headbutt to the chest. Cheech rams Ando face first onto the top turnbuckle and tries for a powerbomb, but Ando counters and spikes Cheech with a piledriver for a near fall. Ando runs into a knee strike. Cheech nails Ando with a GTS and Ando falls to the floor. Cheech covers Ando for a two count. Ando drops Cheech to the mat gut first and hits a spear for the win to retain the title. (***1/4. A solid match with the order of eliminations being a bit surprising for me. I was not expecting Freddie to be the first one out, at all. Punisher’s elimination due to Graham should be signaling for the split of the team at some point. The action kept a good pace and held my interest.)

Eighth Contest: Dalton Castle vs. Eddie Edwards: Castle goes to the floor to stall for a bit, but returns to the ring only to stall on the floor again. Castle fakes a waist lock and goes to the floor again. Castle taunts the crowd for several moments. Edwards ends up going to the floor and chops Castle to prevent more stalling. Edwards continues to chop Castle before returning to the ring and keeps arm control on Castle. Edwards keeps Castle on the mat, but doesn’t get a submission. Castle cleanly backs off, but misses a running strike and is chopped several more times by Edwards. Edwards decks Castle with a forearm strike coming off the ropes. Castle drops Edwards to the mat gut first followed by an axe handle strike and puts a chin lock on Edwards. Edwards elbows a charging Castle in the corner and chops Castle on the back before putting Castle in the tree of woe. Edwards proceeds to deliver a dropkick to Castle upside down in the corner two times. Edwards covers, but Castle kicks out at two. Edwards runs into a boot by Castle and Castle sends Edwards chest first into the corner before hitting a back suplex for a two count. Castle delivers a forearm to Edwards back after a quick splash. Castle continues with a headbutt and slaps Edwards before choking Edwards over the ropes. Castle connects with a fisherman suplex and taunts the crowd. Castle puts an arm bar on Edwards and switches to a modified kneeling abdominal stretch. Castle bites Edwards ribs, but Edwards fights back with chops. Castle sends Edwards into the corner and delivers a stomp to the chest. Castle splashes Edwards and stomps Edwards on the mat. Edwards sends Castle to the floor and nails Castle with a running boot. Edwards takes Castle out with a suicide dive on the floor. Edwards has the fans hold Castle and Edwards chops Castle several times against the railing.

Castle head scissors Edwards on the floor and is bleeding from the nose. Edwards drops Castle chest first over the railing followed by a running boot strike. Edwards knee strikes Castle on the apron, but Castle rams Edwards into the post back first. Edwards backdrops Castle over the buckle onto the other apron and delivers a kick. Edwards climbs the buckle and forearms Castle. Castle fights free and drops Edwards gut first over the top rope and delivers a kick to knock Edwards to the floor. Castle slams Edwards for a near fall. Castle tries to keep Edwards down on the mat, but can’t keep Edwards down. Castle hits a gut wrench suplex for another near fall. Castle locks in a body scissors on the mat. Edwards boots Castle in the corner, but leaps off the middle rope and is caught by Castle, who hits an overhead suplex for a near fall. Edwards nails Castle with a boot to stop Castle on the top rope. Edwards headbutts Castle on the top rope several times. Edwards tosses Castle off the top. Castle strikes Edwards and they begin to trade blows in the middle of the ring. Edwards gets the advantage with several chops. Edwards forearms Castle followed by a back elbow. Edwards kicks Castle on the knee and hits a shining wizard for a near fall. Edwards runs into an elbow in the corner, but kicks Castle on the middle rope. Edwards hits a backpack stunner out of the corner for a near fall. Edwards heads to the top rope, but Castle avoids Edwards offense. Castle hits a spinning sit out face buster, but Edwards kicks out at two. Castle tries for a German suplex, but Edwards elbows free. Castle decks Edwards with a forearm strike and manages to hit a dead lift German suplex for a near fall. Castle can’t believe it. Edwards nearly wins with an inside cradle, but Castle delivers a couple of strikes. Edwards stops Castle coming off the ropes with a half Boston Crab, but Castle kicks free. Edwards gets a rollup, but switches to a half Boston Crab and forces a submission to win the match. (***1/2. That was a very good match. It was hard hitting and a ton of fun. Castle showed that he can hang some of the best and Eddie continues to be a bright spot whenever he pops up in 2CW. The crowd ate it up and made for a great overall viewing experience.)

Main Event: 2CW Tag Team Champions Jason Axe & Kevin Steen vs. Dudley Boys in a no holds barred match: Devon and Axe kickoff the tag match. Axe backs Devon into a corner, but Devon counters and backs off Axe. Axe puts a top wrist lock on Devon, but Devon takes Axe down to the mat with a headlock. Axe backs Devon into a corner and delivers a few shoulder rams. Axe continues with strikes against the ropes. Devon counters being sent into the ropes with strikes and hits a spinning elbow strike and a scoop slam. Devon comes off the ropes to deliver a forearm drop for a near fall. Devon chops Axe in the corner several times. Axe fights back with strikes and tags in Steen. Steen and Axe double team Devon and hit double elbows to knock Devon to the mat. Steen taunts Brother Ray and wants Ray in the match. Ray tags into the match and Steen doesn’t back down. Ray threatens to put his fist into Steen’s face. Steen proceeds to chicken out and tags in Axe. Axe decks Ray from behind and delivers forearms in the corner followed by stomps. Axe continues with strikes to keep control on Ray. Axe runs the ropes, but is met with a clothesline by Ray. Steen drops to the floor to avoid Ray. Ray backs Axe into his corner and delivers a vicious chop. Devon bows down to Ray for doing the chop. Ray sets Axe up in the corner and asks Axe if he’s okay. Ray delivers another chop to Axe and the Dudley’s hit a side slam/leg drop combo for a two count.

Devon takes Axe over with a snap suplex and delivers a leg drop for a two count. Devon scoop slams Axe and tags in Ray again. Ray misses an elbow drop and Axe delivers a strike to the back of Ray. Axe clubs Ray with overhand strikes and puts a sleeper on Ray. Ray kicks Axe to avoid a backdrop and jabs Axe followed by an biotic elbow. Devon clotheslines Steen to the floor. Ray scoop slams Axe and they signal for the What’s Up. Devon heads to the top and hits the diving headbutt to Axe’s groin. Ray tells Devon to get the table. They set up the table, but are met with double clotheslines. Axe chokes Ray on the mat as Steen chokes Devon, as well. Steen and Axe destroy the tables legs to make it useless for the Dudley Boys. Steen proclaims there will be no tables tonight. Steen dumps the table to the floor. Dudley’s fight back with strikes and send the champs to the floor. Devon works over Steen while Ray beats up Axe and delivers a chair shot to the back. Ray sends Axe into the ring steps. Ray grabs his chain from the timekeeper’s table. Axe low blows Ray and hits Ray with his own chain. Axe covers Devon in the ring managing a two count. Axe chokes Devon with the chain, but can’t get a three count.

Steen tags into the match and kicks Devon in the corner. Steen chokes Devon over the middle rope for a few moments. Steen chops Devon, but Devon fights back with strikes. Steen nails Devon with an elbow strike and a standing senton splash for a two count. Axe returns to the match and kicks Devon in the ribs. Axe sends Devon into the corner and delivers a spinebuster for a near fall. Axe keeps Devon on the mat with a sleeper. Devon elbows Axe, but Axe yanks Devon down to the mat. Steen tags back into the ring and keeps control with a strike to the midsection. Steen keeps Devon on the mat with a sleeper. Steen eye rakes Devon and knocks Ray off the apron. Steen tries for the Package Piledriver, but Devon backdrops free and spears Steen! Ray and Axe tag into the match with Ray decking Axe several times followed by a backdrop. Ray pummels Axe with right hands, but stops to confront Steen. Ray calls Steen a bitch and they trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Steen knee lifts Ray, but is met with a big boot. Dudley’s hit a back suplex/neckbreaker combo on Axe, but Steen recovers to clothesline the Dudley’s. Steen goes under the ring to grab a table.

Steen slides the table into the ring despite saying there’d be no tables used tonight. Steen sets the table up in the middle of the ring. Devon breaks free from Steen and the Dudley’s hit a 3D through the table to pin Steen and win the 2CW Tag Team Championships! (***. A good match that featured some good brawling and entertaining action throughout. The crowd loved the match and it’s a huge moment for the Dudley’s to actually win the 2CW Tag Team Championships. It was an unexpected moment at the time, that’s for sure. This went a lot longer than I remembered it going when I attended the show live. A good main event to close the show.)

After the match, Brother Ray says they knew who Kevin Steen was prior to this match and they shake Steen’s match. Ray puts over the crowd saying they are the most important fans and they are what keeps wrestling alive. Kevin Steen grabs the microphone and puts over the Dudley Boys and puts over 2CW. This is Steen’s final in-ring appearance for 2CW as he’s headed to WWE. Steen mentions working with Terry Funk because of 2CW and thanks 2CW before departing the ring.

Final Thoughts:
The undercard was underwhelming and on paper it wasn’t something I was expecting to deliver anything memorable. Luckily, none of the undercard overstayed its welcome and the show progressed rather smoothly. The final three matches, which were the draw for the show, delivered quality action. Thus, I’m going to give this a mild thumbs up. An underwhelming undercard is bailed out by the upper card delivering positive results.

Thanks for reading.

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