Rebooking WWA: October 2001 Live Events

The wait is finally over… Australian promoter Andrew McManus presents World Wrestling All-Stars! The first few live events Down Under can be found here for October of 2001. What will WWA have instore for the world of professional wrestling? Who will appear? How will the cards develop? Find out now!

World Wrestling All-Stars LIVE!
From: Perth, Australia
Arena: Perth Entertainment Centre
Announcers: Jeremy Borash, Mark Madden, & “The Franchise” Shane Douglas

  • Opening the historic first WWA show ever, Commissioner Bret “Hitman” Hart heads down to the ring. He begins with how glad he is to call Australia his ‘home-away-from-home’. He can’t wait for everybody to see what World Wrestling All-Stars has in store for them. He thanks the fans again and heads to the back as the opening contest preps to begin.
  1. Psicosis defeated Shark Boy in a singles match, following a Diving Leg Drop.
  2. Gangrel & Danny Dominion defeated Lenny Lane & Lodi in a tag team match, following an Impaler DDT.
  3. Jerry Lynn defeated Low Ki in a singles match, following a Cradle Piledriver.
  4. Sabu defeated Konnan in a hardcore singles match, following an Arabian Facebuster through a table.
  5. Jeff Jarrett defeated Road Dogg in a singles match, following a dirty pin.
    • Jeff Jarrett used the bottom rope for leverage, stealing the victory.
  6. Sting defeated Scott Steiner in a singles match via reverse decision.
    • Scott Steiner’s win was reversed when the official discovered the use of brass knuckles.
  • After having his win taken away by the official and being disqualified, Scott Steiner snatched a house microphone from ringside and began blaming the referee for making a bogus call. As Sting heads up the ramp, Steiner says that next time he has him in the ring one-on-one, he is going to put Sting on the shelf… permanently! The crowd on hand booed Scott Steiner loudly, with some cups hitting the ring.

World Wrestling All-Stars LIVE!
From: Adelaide, Australia
Arena: Adelaide Entertainment Centre
Announcers: Jeremy Borash, Mark Madden, & “The Franchise” Shane Douglas

  • Scott Steiner opened the show by coming down to the ring with a microphone. Once in the ring, he asked the crowd on hand if they wanted to see him in action against the Stinger in the main event tonight. Of course, the crowd ate it up! Steiner laughed and said that it was too bad, because seeing that match will cost ’em extra! No matter how much the live crowd wants to see him in action against Sting tonight, he won’t be! He says that that ‘good-for-nothing’ Stinger will have to sweat him just a little longer, because he see “The Big, Bad, Booty Daddy” across the ring from him until THE INCEPTION, LIVE on pay-per-view on the 26th.
  1. Psicosis vs. Jerry Lynn defeated Psicosis in a singles match, following a Cradle Piledriver.
    • After the match, Psicosis declined a handshake offer and left the ring.
  2. Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Sabin & AJ Styles in a triple-threat match, following a moonsault.
  3. Sabu defeated Norman Smiley in a singles match, following a Camel Clutch.
  4. Gangrel & Danny Dominion defeated Lenny Lane & Lodi in a tag team match, following an Impaler DDT.
  5. Scott Steiner defeated Lex Luger in a singles match, following a Steiner Recliner.
  6. Sting defeated Jeff Jarrett in a singles match, following a Scorpion Death Drop.
  • After his win, Sting got a microphone and thanked the live crowd in attendance for coming to cheer him on. He also asked them to order, or plan to attend, THE INCEPTION pay-per-view event. That’s where he is going to make Scott Steiner eat his words, when Sting becomes the very first World Wrestling All-Stars Heavyweight Champion!

World Wrestling All-Stars LIVE!
From: Canberra, Australia
Arena: National Convention Centre
Announcers: Jeremy Borash, Mark Madden, & “The Franchise” Shane Douglas

  • Road Dogg makes his entrance and got the crowd hyped up to see him in action tonight. He started off by running Jeff Jarrett down as a paper champion in WCW and a bonafide flop in the WWF. He says that he will show Jarrett who the real wrestling all-star is at THE INCEPTION on the 26th! Jarrett appears on the stage and asks Road Dogg why they should wait? He wants to find out, right here, right now!
  1. Road Dogg defeated Jeff Jarrett in a singles match, following a roll-up.
    • Leading to the finish, the referee removed Jeff Jarrett’s feet from the bottom rope, ruining his attempt to steal another victory.
  2. Psicosis, Low Ki, & Christopher Daniels defeated AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn, & Chris Sabin in a six-man tag team match, following a Diving Leg Drop.
  3. Gangrel & Danny Dominion defeated Mike Sanders & Simond Diamond in tag team match, following an Impaler DDT.
  4. Bryan Clark defeated Reno in a singles match, following a Meltdown.
  5. Konnan defeated Sabu in a singles table match, following a 187 Brainbuster through a table.
  6. Sting defeated Buff Bagwell in a singles match, following a Scorpion Death Drop.
    • Leading to the finish, Scott Steiner ran down to the ring to interfere, but botched it an inadvertently hit Buff Bagwell.
  • After the main event concluded, Scott Steiner got Buff Bagwell to his feet to try and apologize for the mixup that led to him losing the match. Buff came to his senses and the two men argued. Bagwell pushed Steiner away and exited.

World Wrestling All-Stars LIVE!
From: Wollongong, Australia
Arena: Wollongong Entertainment Centre
Announcers: Jeremy Borash, Mark Madden, & “The Franchise” Shane Douglas

  • Commissioner Bret Hart appears and makes the main event of THE INCEPTION, Scott Steiner vs. Sting, officially for the WWA World Heavyweight Championship! Whoever wins will be the company’s very first world champion! They will be able to get their hands on each other soon enough and Bret asks all those in attendance to be there to see it LIVE in Sydney at the SuperDome tomorrow night!
  1. Juventud Guerrera defeated Shark Boy & Tony Mamaluke in a triple-threat match, following a 450 Splash.
  2. Buff Bagwell defeated Crowbar in a singles match, following The Blockbuster.
    • After the match, Johnny Swinger made his way to the ring to congratulate Steiner and raise his hand in victory. He also joined him in putting the boots to Crowbar on the mat.
  3. Bryan Clark defeated The Funkster in a singles match, following a Meltdown.
  4. Gangrel & Danny Dominion defeated Mike Sanders & Simon Diamond in a tag team match, following an Impaler DDT.
    • After the match, Lenny Lane & Lodi ran down to the ring and jumped Gangrel & Danny Dominion. Lane & Lodi then formally challenged them to a match at THE INCEPTION for the WWA World Tag Team Championship.
  5. Sting defeated Rick Steiner in a singles match, following a Scorpion Death Lock.
  6. Scott Steiner defeated Brian Adams in a singles match, following a Steiner Screwdriver.
  • Konnan came down to the ring with a microphone to hype up the crowd for the coming PPV tomorrow night. He said that he plans on busting up Sabu real bad and becoming the first-ever WWA World Hardcore Champion! From the crowd, Sabu emerged with a chair and threw it into the ring. The two ended up in a pull-apart brawl leading all the way backstage!

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