SMW TV 11/19/1994

Written by: Bob Colling

From: Oakwood, VA

1.) Boo Bradley & Chris Candido defeated Anthony Michaels & James Adkins
2.) SMW Beat The Champ TV Champion Bryant Anderson defeated George South
3.) SMW Heavyweight Champion Dirty White Boy defeated Bruiser Bedlam by disqualification in a strap match to retain the title

Angle Developments/Notes:
1.) Tammy Fytch, Chris Candido and Boo Bradley are interviewed following their victory. Candido is happy to be back on television after being gone for four weeks. Candido calls Brian Lee and Cactus Jack idiots, but he has a tough idiot as his partner. Tammy threatens Boo with the kitten saying if he wants to make sure the kitten is safe that he listen to her.

2.) Les Thatcher brings out Cactus Jack and Brian Lee for an interview. Cactus Jack has Brian Lee slam him during their interview. Cactus says that the old Brian Lee wouldn’t have slammed him and would have forgotten to hook the leg on the cover. Cactus says he is a great motivator. Cactus is determined to reach Boo Bradley. He says that Boo is a fridge with a bunch of spoiled hamburger meat inside. Cactus is confident that Boo Bradley will be fixed.

3.) Tracy Smothers is interviewed and he talks about how he was going to shake Bryant Anderson after beating him. Smothers is going to get even at the Thanksgiving Thunder events.

4.) Bryant Anderson gets on the microphone and calls Smothers a coward. Smothers remained at the commentary table. Smothers leaves the commentary table and enters the ring to confront Anderson. A couple of officials enter the ring to keep the peace.

5.) Confrontation this week is with Jim Cornette and Bob Armstrong. We are going to find out who the new commissioner is. Cornette is going to sue Armstrong for all this commissioner stuff. Armstrong had to look at a long list of people to find someone to be the commissioner. Bob reveals that the new commissioner is his SON, Scott Armstrong. Cornette flips out and says that Abdullah the Butcher is going to take the whole family out. Scott Armstrong is happy to be back along with his brother Steve. Bob recalls having to do something embarrassing back in February. After a beating by the Funk Brothers, Armstrong was forced to kiss Cornette’s feet. Armstrong wants Cornette to think of two words… “pucker up.”

6.) SMW Heavyweight Champion Dirty White Boy heads over to the commentary table and is kind of stressed because Ron Wright isn’t in the building. He will be wrestling Bedlam in a strap match next.

7.) White Boy hip tosses Bedlam and touches two corners before being stopped. Bedlam chokes White Boy with the strap for a few moments. Bedlam touches two corners but is prevented from continuing on. Cornette gets a cheap shot in while the referee is distracted. Bedlam gets to three corners but is stopped by White Boy. White Boy battles back and yanks Bedlam into the ring post face first after Bruiser tried to leave. Cornete enters the ring and whacks White Boy with a tennis racket to cause a disqualification. After the match, Ron Wright gets in the ring and hammers away on Cornette. Wright and Cornette stand tall. (1/2*. Yeah, that sucked too. They didn’t do much and it is a feud that needs to end already, anyway.)

8.) Dirty White Boy and Ron Wright are interviewed to end the program. White Boy says they have gone crazy here. Wright chimes in says that he can’t tell Cornette what he has in store for him at Thanksgiving Thunder. Wright says that Cornette’s mother and old lady will not be able to recognize him.

Final Thoughts:
The last several weeks have been rather dull and uninteresting. Hopefully these feuds end after Thanksgiving Thunder and we get something fresh and exciting to happen.

Thanks for reading.

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